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I agree that:
I understand:
I declare that the evidence submitted is authentic and verifiable. I undertake to comply with all the rules, regulations and decisions of the university and any amendments thereto, and I have taken note of advice that may be applicable to students in general. I, as a student registered with UNISA or an applicant intending to study with UNISA, hereby consent that UNISA may collect, use, distribute, process and communicate my personal information for all required academic processes pertaining to my application/registration to study with UNISA, which may include, but is not limited to, internal administrative processing, institutional and scholarly research, funding submissions, processing by the Matriculation Board and Admissions Committees, Higher Education South Africa, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Council on Higher Education, the South African Qualifications Authority, other public higher education institutions, Qualification Verification Agencies and third parties rendering communication facility on behalf of the university. I understand that in terms of POPI and other laws of the country, there are instances where my express consent is not necessary in order to permit the processing of personal information, which may be related to investigations, litigation or when personal information is publicly available. I will not hold the university responsible for any improper or unauthorised use of personal information that is beyond its reasonable control. I confirm that I have read the notice and understand the contents thereof.
In the space below, please enter particulars of certificates, diplomas etc. which you have received for attending short courses, in-service training courses and other similar activities.
Please ensure that you attach relevant certificates under the Supporting Documents section at the end of the application.
(Please ensure that your documents are in PDF format)
Your application has been successfully submitted. You will receive an email notification with the application reference.